Chi siamo

Excellence as a standard

Welcome to BRT, the reference player in shipping and logistics services.

Day after day we work with passion to offer Companies and Customers proactive, flexible and always on demand solutions.

Such results are possible thanks to a consolidated experience, a human centric service and a widespread presence on the territory to be always at your side.

Because our point of view is yours.


+ 200 branches all over Italy

Wherever you are, for every need BRT is at your side.

So you can count on fast, secure, on-time deliveries and direct, personalised customer service.

That is why we are with you, to get you far.

Pickup point

+9.500 BRT-fermopoint pickup points

Thanks to BRT-fermopoint you have maximum freedom of choice, you just have to indicate the most convenient place of delivery throughout Italy.

More opportunities for businesses, more freedom for your life.


International shipments worldwide

We manage shipments with the highest quality standards thanks to Geopost, the European leader in international parcel shipments, and to the partnership with EuroExpress, a distribution network able to manage shipments consisting of one or more parcels and/or pallets.



dpd-group dpd-group


BRT is a part of Geopost, the European leader in deliveries with:

  • 2,1 billion parcels delivered worldwide
  • 57,000 employees & partners
  • 110,000 points in Europe

A major player, being widespread and flexible, able to meet all distribution and integrated logistics needs in Italy, Europe and all over the world.

Quality, safety and environment

At BRT, safety, quality and environment are fundamental objectives to be achieved by integrating each operational stage: strict procedures, constant training, computerised management of all shipping phases, constant monitoring.

Such values are confirmed by the achievement of the most important certifications in terms of quality, environment and safety.

Quality, safety and environment

sicurezza e ambiente sicurezza e ambiente

At BRT, safety, quality and environment are fundamental objectives to be achieved by integrating each operational stage: strict procedures, constant training, computerised management of all shipping phases, constant monitoring.

Such values are confirmed by the achievement of the most important certifications in terms of quality, environment and safety.

Social responsibility and ethics

Responsabilità sociale ed etica Responsabilità sociale ed etica

Social responsibility and ethics

In our group, social responsibility involves every choice.

That is why every day we provide our services with the utmost attention to combine development and social dimension, corporate welfare and support to the territory.

That is why we are part of Sedex, the non-profit organisation that works globally to promote responsible and ethical business.